Falmouth Kitchen Tour 2018


Tour beautiful homes with extraordinary kitchens. 

Saturday, May 5, 2018 from 10:00AM - 3:00PM.

Save $5 when you use the discount code "distinctive" at checkout!

Texture, patterns, color, creativity... so much to take in!  Whether you are building or remodeling, looking for inspiration, or just love taking a peek at beautiful Maine homes, the tour is sure to be a highlight of your spring.

The tour is self-guided, and usually takes 2-3 hours to complete.  

Kitchens are open 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. 

For additional information, please contact mainekitchentours@gmail.com

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Where does the Tour start?

The starting location has not yet been determined. It will be somewhere convenient to the homes! You will pick up your guide book and map, and begin your self-guided journey into our fabulous homes!

Are there ID requirements or an age limit to enter the event? 

Please do not bring toddlers to the event. (It's really not fun for them!) Baby strollers are not allowed in the homes.  Children 15+ will be charged an adult ticket price.

What are my transport/parking options getting to the event?

Please be respectful of homeowners' driveways. Do not block other cars or neighbors' driveways. Please do not park on any lawns.

What can/can't I bring to the event?

Please don't bring food and beverage in the homes. There will be tasting opportunities along the way. 

Where can I contact the organizer with any questions?

Please email MaineKitchenTours@Gmail.com

Is my registration/ticket transferrable and/or refundable?

We are completely paperless, so just check in (location TBA) with your name. If you transfer / gift your ticket to someone else, just have them bring a paper ticket (which you can print from this site) or check in with your name. ALL tickets are non refundable. Thank you for understanding. 

Can I update my registration information?


How much are the tickets?

Tickets are $25 in advance - and available ONLINE only. (No physical ticket location in advance)  The $25 ticket price ends at 11:59PM on April 30th. All tickets purchased May 1 or later are $30. 


Happy Valentine's Day!